Buffalo Rifle Match

The match is the second Saturday of each month scheduled on Rifle Range 1.

Match dates: January 11,  February 8, March 8, April 12, May 10, June 14, July 12,  August 9, September 13, October 11, November 8, December 13, 2025 & January 10, 2026

Registration is at 8:30am and the match begins at 9:00am. Match fees are $15 for RCWA members and $20 for non-members.

For additional match information or questions: 

Roger James - 704-431-3784

E-mail:  [email protected]

This is not a NRA certified match; however, we abide by NRA Silhouette guidelines where possible. Steel silhouette and paper targets are used at 100 and 200 yards.

Buffalo Rifle & Ammo Specifications

          • Single shot or lever action rifles only in calibers produced prior to 1896. (Rifles chambered for 38-55, 40-60, 40-65, 45-70, etc.)
          • Iron sights, or period correct scopes or reproductions thereof are allowed.
          • Rifle classes are black powder, smokeless powder, and scoped rifles.
          • Only lead bullets are allowed.  No jacketed bullets of any kind or gas-checks are allowed.
          • Black powder/substitute BP, or smokeless powder is used. DUPLEX loads will be classed as smokeless powder.
          • Front rifle rests should be crossed-sticks, and no rear rifle rest of any kind.  Allowances/deviations of above can be approved by the match director.   Modern rifle rests are discouraged.  This is a “spirit of the competition” match, and we want equipment to be equal.

Match Guidelines

              • Hearing and eye protection are required for everyone.
              • This is a “cold range.” 
              • Load guns ONLY when directed by the Range-Officer (RO) on the firing line.
              • Lever action guns will load only one round, and fire one.
              • Open-action indicators are required when guns are not in actual competition.
              • Bring guns to the firing line only when directed by the range officer.
              • Guns not in competition must be placed in a rack behind the firing line.


Each shot counts.  A typical match is 15 shots at 100 yards and 15 shots at 200 yards with 10 shots on steel silhouette targets and 5 shots on paper targets.   On steel targets, shots out of order and hits on wooden supports under steel are counted as a miss.   Any disputed targets will be examined by an RO and their decision is final.  15 minutes is allowed for each distance shot, and a 5-minute sight in period for each shot is allowed.   A shooter should have only 15 rounds available at the start of each distance for competition.  This will help keep correct shot counts, and avoid any extra shots in error.  Score card accuracy is the responsibility of the shooter and spotter who sign the score cards at the end of the match.