High Power Rifle

RCWA High Power Rifle 2025 Monthly Matches

Match Dates: March 15, May 17, June 21, July 19, September 20, November 15, 2025

 Please Note:  No match in April or August

CMP GSM Match (details below) will be on October 18

Sponsor: Rowan County Wildlife Association, Inc., P.O Box 612, Salisbury, NC 28145 

Information: Brian Granberry,  P.O. Box 687 China Grove, NC 28023   (704-754-7298)    [email protected]

Location: 650 Majolica Road, Salisbury, NC (Off Highway 70 from Salisbury)


Rules: Current CMP High Power Rifle Rules will govern the tournament. Competitors will score the targets of other competitors and repair targets. All competitors must use an “Empty Chamber Indicator”. Vision and Hearing protection required of all competitors and spectators.

Competition Open To: Competition is open to all safe competitors. Unsafe movement or actions will result in disqualification and removal from the range. Rifles may not be handled while range officers or competitors are down range.

Registration and Entry Fee: Members of RCWA $15. – Non-Member $20 - juniors $10

Registration and entry fee will entitle each person to participate in the match and receive an award if they are the highest scorer in their classification.

Entries:  Entries will be accepted from 8:00 AM until the first round of the match is fired. (40 Shooters Maximum for each match – 2 relays of 20 competitors)

Firing Starts:  9:00 AM – Weather permitting (Snow, Sleet or Freezing Rain will cancel match)

Classification: The CMP Classification System will be used for the awarding of prizes. Shooters will shoot up to the next class if they are the only one in their classification.

Awards: Awards will be offered to the service rifle Match Winner (highest overall service rifle scorer), highest scorer in each classification as well as the second highest scorer in the marksman classification. Highest scoring M1 rifle competitor will also received an award provided there is more than one competitor using that type of rifle. Shooters using match rifles will be awarded a First Place Match Rifle if there are at least two competitors and Second Place Match Rifle if there are at least three competitors in this class.

Match Schedules and Conditions: The course of fire will be fifty (50) rounds fired at one hundred (100) yards using approved targets (National Target) to simulate the National Match Course. Sighting shots will only be allowed prior to the first stage of the match.

Rifles must conform to current CMP High Power Rifle Rules.

Stage 1 – Ten Rounds- Slow Fire  -  Standing – 10 minutes – SR1 Target

Stage 2 - Ten Rounds- Rapid Fire -  Sitting – 60 seconds – SR1 Target

Stage 3 – Ten Rounds – Rapid Fire -  Prone – 70 seconds – SR 21 Target

Stage 4 – Twenty Rounds – Slow Fire -  Prone – 20 minutes – MR 31 Target 



John C. Garand High Power Rifle Tournament

As Issued (G-S-M) Garand – Springfield – Vintage - Foreign & Modern Military

Match Date:    October 18th, 2025


Sponsor:  Rowan County Wildlife Association, Inc. P.O Box 612, Salisbury, NC 28145

Information:  Brian Granberry, P.O. Box 687 China Grove, NC 28023   (704-754-7298)     E-mail:  [email protected]

Location:  650 Majolica Road, Salisbury, NC (Off Highway 70 West)

Rules: Current CMP Competition Rules will govern the tournament. Competitors will score the targets of other competitors and repair targets. All competitors must use an “Empty Chamber Indicator”. Vision and Hearing protection required of all competitors and spectators. All competitors will sign a waiver prior to the start of the match.

Competition Open To: Competition is open to all safe competitors. Unsafe movement or actions will result in disqualification and removal from the range. Rifles may not be handled while range officers or competitors are down range. Please Note:  “Modern Military” Rifles will be allowed to be used in competition. They will be scored in their own class. If you have any questions, please contact me at the information above.

Registration and Entry Fee: $35.00                                                                  A Certificate of Competition will be given to each competitor following the match.

Entries:  Entries will be accepted from 8:00 AM until the first round of the match is fired.

Awards: Sanctioned CMP G.S.M.  Gold, Silver and Bronze achievement pins will be awarded by the CMP Competitions Department for presentation to sanctioned Garand Match competitors who equal or exceed Achievement Award Score.

 Achievement Award Scores:

G-S-M Match achievement award cut-scores (as per current edition -  2025 Rule Book)

** Cut Scores for M1 Carbine will be the same as Vintage Military, as an official “Course B”   for M1 Carbine does not exist.

Match Schedules and Conditions:  The course of fire will be fifty (50) rounds fired at one hundred (100) yards using NRA approved targets (National Target) to simulate the John C. Garand Match Course B.  Sighting shots (5) will only be allowed prior to the first stage of the match.  The tournament will be squadded individual match fired at stationary targets. Rifles must conform to current CMP John C. Garand High Power Rifle Rules. (As issued M1, M1903 Springfield, 03A3, M1917 Enfield, M1941 Johnson, US Carbine Caliber .30M1, and Foreign & Modern Military Rifles)


Sight in - Five Rounds – Slow Fire - 5 minutes – SR1 Target

Stage 1 – Twenty Rounds- Slow Fire Prone – 20 minutes – SR1 Target

Stage 2 - Ten Rounds- Rapid Fire Standing to Prone – 80 seconds – SR1 Target

Stage 3 – Ten Rounds – Rapid Fire Standing to Sitting – 70 seconds – SR 1 Target

Stage 4 – Ten Rounds – Slow Fire Standing – 10 minutes – SR 1 Target