RCWA Annual Membership Renewal
The annual 2025 membership renewal process will start around the end of April whren renewals are mailed to members. The 2025 membership renewal will be $150. The 2025 renewal process will conclude on 30 June 2024. Range access to any RCWA members who did not renew will occur on 1 Aug 2025.
-------------------- RCWA Member Range Access Processes --------------------
All RCWA members should have two badges and a padlock key for use at the range. You will have a colored member badge, a gray gate badge/card and a padlock key with a number 7 on it. All three of these items must remain in the possession of the RCWA member. You cannot "loan" them to family or friends - your range access will be pulled if someone other than you, the member, is in possession of range access items. Details for using these range access processes can be found under the Range Procedures tab on the top line of the screen.
Replacement of Lost or Damaged Range Access Devices
If you need a replacement member badge and/or range access device, print the following form and mail it in with a check for the appropriate replacement fees. If you have any questions, feel free to email [email protected] for a response.
RCWA Range Access Device Replacement Form
---------------- RCWA Annual Membership Processes -------------
The current RCWA membership limit was raised to 2000 members as of October 2021. There are currently around 1750 active RCWA members. We hope to keep the prospective membership waiting list at around 30 to 45 days. We typically process all Prospective Member Applications that are pending within a couple of weeks. The following are the RCWA processes for managing the RCWA membership process.
Active RCWA Members Annual Renewal Process
The RCWA annual membership year runs from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. Annual RCWA membership renewals for the next year are mailed out by the first part of May of each year. The entire annual renewal process is posted on the RCWA web site and the RCWA Facebook site. If you have not received your renewal notice by the end of May, send an email to [email protected] with subject of Missing Renewal Notice. Make sure you notify RCWA if you have a change of address or primary phone number otherwise you may not get your renewal notice and incur a late fee. You can email changes to [email protected] or mail it to the RCWA PO box. The annual RCWA membership dues renewal is currently $150. Annual membership renewal payments postmarked after June 30 will be considered delinquent and the member will be assessed a late fee of $50 - full payment of the late fee and annual dues must be postmarked prior to 1 August. Any renewal payments not paid in full by 1 August will result in the associated membership being terminated and all range access removed. If a previous member wishes to reinstate a terminated membership, the previous member will have to fill out a Prospective Member Application and go through the new membership processing cycle. Previous members will get priority handling to rejoin - see Special Handling #1 below.
-------- RCWA New Membership Application Process --------
The RCWA membership application process starts with submitting a completed Prospective Member Application. Details for this process are noted below. This process creates a record that allows us and the applicant to keep track of all requests.
A new RCWA membership has an initial membership fee of $700 which includes the first year membership dues unless covered by one of the special member related fee structures listed below. All prospective new RCWA members (including the member related special handling listed below) will be required to complete a Prospective Member Application (application and instructions at the bottom of this page) and will be placed on the application processing list for membership. You will receive an e-mail notice with your ACN # (application control number) when your Prospective Member Application goes on the processing list. Applications will be considered for RCWA membership in the order in which the Prospective Member Applications are received. Note: The three special application handling situations listed below will get priority processing consideration.
New member applications are normally processed in batches every 2 or 3 weeks to keep the process flowing as much as possible. New applications are handled as time is available (it is an all volunteer effort and processing new member applications is not the only range activity taking time).
Prospective RCWA members will be notified by mail (which includes the formal RCWA application paperwork) when a new batch of member applications are being processed. Once notified, you will have about 30 days to submit a properly completed new RCWA member application (included with the mail notification) along with proper payment. A completed new member application will include the following items:
- A fully completed Application for RCWA Membership form that includes two member recommendation signatures.
- A fully completed New Membership Application Questionnaire.
- Include a copy of your current driver's license or other state issued ID showing your name and date of birth.
- Include a copy of one of the following: a) your concealed carry permit OR b) a background check from the clerk of court in your county of residence. Note: Current active NC law enforcement may use a copy of their LEO credentials.
- Full payment of all applicable new member fees - currently $700 unless a Special Handing situation listed below.
Note !! If you do not know two current RCWA members to obtain your two signatures, there are instructions included with the application paperwork on how to handle this situation. You will need to meet with a couple of RCWA members at the range with your completed application paperwork to complete this requirement.
Completed applications not received back in a timely manner will be delayed for Board approval to a later batch of applicants. Incomplete applications will be rejected if not resolved in a timely manner - 60 days or less. We will not hold up processing the current batch of applications for late responses or incomplete applications.
Special Handling #1: A previous RCWA member that is applying to rejoin RCWA. Someone will be in touch upon receipt of your Prospective Member Application to assess what fees will be required so you are aware. Typically for previous members, payment is the current year dues (currently $150 ) plus late fees for each year delinquent (up to two years). Make sure you designate on the Prospective Member Application you are a previous RCWA member !
Special Handling #2: Children of current RCWA members may apply to join RCWA by applying between their 18th and 19th birthday. They must first complete a Prospective Member Application and make sure you designate on that form that this is a child of a current member. They will subsequently need to complete the standard new member application process, supplying the requested information on the application and paying the current year’s dues (currently $150).
Special Handling #3: The spouse of a current RCWA member may join as a full member at any time. They must first complete a Prospective Member Application and make sure you designate on the application you are a spouse of a current RCWA member ! You will subsequently be required to complete a new member application process, supplying the requested information on the application and paying current year’s dues (currently $150).
Please email [email protected] if any questions about the process.
Once membership applications are complete and approved by the RCWA Board, each new RCWA member must schedule and attend a RCWA Range Orientation/Safety Class which takes a couple of hours at the range. At the completion of this class, new RCWA members will receive their member badge, range gate access card and key for lake access .
NOTE !! You will be contacted by the person administering the next Orientation/Safety Class(s) once they are organized and date(s) available.
-------------------- RCWA Orientation/Safety Classes --------------------
Orientation/Safety Class Handouts
If you are a new member, you will receive a new member packet that contains your RCWA member badge and your range gate access badge and key. Current RCWA members doing a refresher class will obviously not receive this packet.
In addition, the following document handouts are used during the Orientation/Safety Class. You will be asked to print these out and bring them with you to the class. If you are unable to print these out and bring them with you, let the class instructor know so they can provide the documents.
RCWA Range Manual
RCWA Information Sources - class handout
Range Safety Considerations - class handout
Lake Information - class handout
RCWA Membership - class handout
------------- Instructor Supplied Handout -------------
Class Signoff Sheet
Orientation/Safety Class Schedules
After each Board meeting where applications are approved, the newly approved members will be contacted via text or phone with Orientation/Safety Class schedule(s) - usually within 2 to 3 weeks after the Board meeting.
INSTRUCTIONS. Please read carefully. Click on the Prospective Member Application link below for a copy of the form. The Prospective Member Application must be completed in full before it will accepted. All questions on the application must be answered. If the item does not apply, please mark it N/A. Completed Prospective Member Applications must be mailed to the address on the top of the form. It is the date and time of receiving the application via mail that determines the order of the new membership invitation processing. You will be notified via the email on your application of receipt of your application and given an application tracking number that you can use to check on the status of your application. DO NOT EMAIL THIS FORM.
Prospective Member Application
If you would like to know the status of your Prospective Member Application, please use the following document to check on where your application is in the processing queue. You should have received an application tracking number when your application was received. You will need that application tracking number to use this document. The Prospective Member App List document contains instructions for obtaining an application tracking number if you do not have one. This document will also allow you to see how many prospective applications are in the processing queue.
Prospective Member Application Tracking