Rowan Practical Shooters (RPS) USPSA/IPSC Match on Ranges 5-10

Matches are on the second Saturday of each month. Registration is at 9:00am.   Match fees:  RCWA members - $15;  non-members - $20.

Match Dates: January 11,  February 8,  March 8, April 12, May 10,  June 14,  July 12,  August 9, September 13, October 11, November 8,  December 13, 2025 & January 10, 2026.

RPS Website           RPS Facebook Site

For more information contact Dan Doiron at [email protected].



Falling Steel World Series Matches

April 18 - 20,  2025  (set up on evening of 18th)

Ranges 7-13

Registration/match details are only on - search FSWS on Practiscore site.

Note:  This match is run by Falling Steel World Series personnel.

Corey Scheel -  corey.fsws@hotmail,com



USPSA NC State Match

September 11 - 14, 2025  (Set up afternoon of the 11th)

Ranges 5 - 13

Allen Terrell - ???